Tuesday, July 20, 2010

13 Week Appointment

Things are a little scary today.

For the past week and a half, I have been having some light spotting. It's not a lot, but it happens daily. I called the OB last week and they told me that it was pretty normal and not to worry. Just take it easy, they said.

So today when I went in, they got out the doppler. Nothing.

There are really few words that can describe the way it feels when you hear an eerie silence instead of that melodic heartbeat you anticipated hearing. They kept trying. Oh, baby's so small. Baby's probably just hiding. Baby's being stubborn. Let me get someone else to try.

More of the same.

Finally, my nurse practitioner, Aunt Joni as she calls herself, was able to pick up a reading. She smiled and was reassuring that baby just wanted Aunt Joni. Then I told her about the spotting. She told me it would probably be best to have an ultrasound this week to check everything out.

The good thing is that we did hear the heartbeat. It could be a low lying placenta or blood vessels on the cervix, or it could just be that I need to take it easy at home. Being on your feet and chasing a two-year-old is sure to wear you out.

So we go back on Thursday at 9am for an ultrasound. I am hopeful that everything will be fine. I am still throwing up almost daily, so I take that as baby's way of saying everything is okay.

Oh, and I am feeling more and more like this is a boy. We will see in another 6-8 weeks!

Monday, June 28, 2010

10 Week Appt

We went in today for what my doctor's office calls a "New OB Visit". This is basically the time when they walk you through information about when to expect appointments and tests, what to expect financially, and also to share the information about optional genetic testing.

During this appointment, I was also given a pap smear and a pelvic and breast exam. They had me take the glucose tolerance test early since diabetes runs in my family. All my labs and tests came back normal and everything seems to be in line. We were also able to listen to the baby's heartbeat again. It came in at a strong 178 beats per minute this time.

They say a faster heartbeat is likely a girl and a slower one, a boy. With the first ultrasound, I thought there was a chance for a boy. This heartbeat, however, would predict girl. I am still on the fence about what I think baby's gender is.

When we were pregnant with Molly, we opted out of the optional testing and will do so this time around as well. Our next appointment will be on July 20!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Disney World!

I have experienced the joy of Disney World many, many times in my life. One of the things I have most looked forward to as a parent is the chance to take my own children to relive those magical memories I have from my own childhood. We were able to take Molly this past week for her first visit to Disney World.



Being pregnant at Disney World is not easy. Especially with a toddler in tow and the blazing Florida heat beating down on you. It was an experience certainly different from what I have experienced in the past. What I learned during this trip is that even though we slowed our normal pace down to what we thought would be manageable, we probably still overdid it. Molly was great about letting us know when she had enough, though! I mean, what trip to Disney with a two-year-old is complete without a temper tantrum here and there?!?!


Nevertheless, it was a great time. Molly really did so well with the characters and enjoyed most of the rides. She was deathly afraid of anything 3D and most of the shows scared her because they were loud and dark. She really loved the boat ride in Epcot's Mexico. So much so that when we went to get off the ride, she cried and cried. Luckily, there was no line and the ride operator let us take another spin!

I would guess though that her absolute favorite part was meeting the princesses. She has not stopped talking about them since we got home. She now carries around her Belle doll (Belle is her favorite!) everywhere she goes. I look forward to taking her again with our new addition in a few more years.





Thursday, June 3, 2010

First Ultrasound

Today we got the first glimpse of our baby. We were able to see and hear a tiny flickering heart beating away at 143 beats per minute. A sound so pure and beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. We cannot wait to meet you, little bean!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Morning Sickness Strikes Again

It's amazing how when you bring home that perfect baby from the hospital, you seem to forget about the bad things that you endured to get to that amazing moment. Like the morning sickness. With Molly, it was evening sickness. And it was AWFUL. I am talking camped out by the toilet from 5pm until the end of the night, drinking Emetrol like it's tequila, and vomiting 6,7,8 times in a row. Every.single.night.

It is starting again. I have spent a good part of my day gagging and throwing up. I just sent hubby to pick up some candies for me to keep on hand, hoping they will keep the nauseau at bay. I sure hope this is not the sign of a miserable 8 weeks.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Gift of Life....The Tragedy of Death

As parents, we will spend the next several decades of our lives working to protect our children from harm, keep them grounded in faith and love, and teach them that life is the most precious, valuable gift.

I cannot begin to imagine the feelings that a parent must feel at the loss of his/her own child. I cannot imagine, even further, how it would feel to have your child take his own life.

Last night, we were startled awake by the sound of screams, sirens, and chaos on our street. A peek out the front window yielded a scary sight...6 police cars, fire trucks, ambulances...and then a teenage boy brought out on a stretcher. That boy is no longer a part of our world.

As the story goes, he took his own life by shotgun during a game of Russian Roulette. What must go through a father's head to come home to the sights and sounds of a tragedy which involved your child.

I pray for the family and for the boy, that he has some peace now that must have been missing from his life before.

And tonight, I will hug my daughter tighter and say a special prayer for our growing baby and pray that they both will value life and always know peace in their world.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Help Molly Win!

Molly's in a contest to win a super cute pillowcase dress!

To help her win, become a fan or like the page of Never Had it Sew Good on Facebook by visiting their site here.

Then visit the May Photo Contest album and click "like" on Molly's photos. She is number 6,7, and 8.

Thanks for your help!!